Poor Horatio

It's pretty hard to forget a thing like that

Favorite 2016 Books

January 4, 2017

A few years ago I started reading a lot more and keeping track of what I'm reading. I'm a big fan of Goodreads. Anyway, something else I like are “best books I read this year (or last, as it were)” lists. So here is mine, in no particular order, except my favorite is first.

Fantastic book about the beginning of Nike. I don't care much about shoes, but I remember having Nike shoes in elementary school. Then in 4th grade I got a pair of Reeboks and they fell apart before the end of the year. It's been Nike ever since.

A funny book about a not funny subject.

A look at the start of Delta Force. I especially enjoyed hearing his perspective on what happened in Iran during the failed hostage rescue mission.

I didn't give this book a five star review, but looking back I wonder if I should have. Who is a modern day Henry Flagler? Anyone?

Amazing Korean War story.